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phosphite a salt of phosphorous acid.
phosphocreatine a form of creatine containing phosphate that supplies energy for muscle contraction.
phospholipid any of various phosphate-containing lipids that are commonly found in cell membranes.
phosphor any of a variety of substances that become luminescent from the absorption of radiation.
phosphorate to impregnate or combine with phosphorus. [2 definitions]
phosphoresce to display, produce, or undergo phosphorescence.
phosphorescence the emission of light with little heat that results from the absorption of radiation and persists after the radiation exposure has ceased. [2 definitions]
phosphoreted impregnated or combined with phosphorus.
phosphoric of, containing, or pertaining to phosphorus, esp. pentavalent phosphorus.
phosphoric acid any of several oxygen acids of phosphorus that are used in fertilizers, detergents, pharmaceuticals, and food flavorings.
phosphorous of, like, containing, or pertaining to phosphorus, esp. trivalent phosphorus.
phosphorous acid a white or yellowish crystalline acid that readily absorbs oxygen and is used as a chemical reducing agent and to produce phosphite salts.
phosphorus a chemical element that has fifteen protons in each nucleus, that is found naturally only in compounds, esp. biologically essential compounds such as calcium phosphates and nucleotide phosphates, and that can be isolated in various allotropic forms, one of which is a poisonous whitish yellow solid that is luminous at room temperature because of slow oxidation. (symbol: P) [2 definitions]
photic of or pertaining to light. [2 definitions]
photo (informal) a photograph.
photo- light. [2 definitions]
photochemistry the scientific study of the chemical action and effects of light.
photochromic designating a transparent material such as specially treated glass or film that turns dark when exposed to light and returns to normal when the light is removed.
photochronograph a former device used to take a rapid series of photographs of the same moving object, so as to be able to reproduce the motion.
photocoagulation a technique using intense light energy, such as a laser beam, to produce scar tissue, as in the treatment of certain eye disorders, and in biological research.
photocompose to set (written material) by the technique of photocomposition.