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physically in, with, or by means of the body.
physical science any science, such as chemistry, physics, astronomy, or geology, that deals with inanimate matter or energy.
physical therapy the treatment of disease and injury by physical and mechanical means, such as exercise, heat, ultraviolet or infrared light, hydrotherapy, or massage, rather than by drugs; physiotherapy.
physical tolerance a bodily state in which, with repeated exposure to a drug over time, a higher dose of the drug is required to achieve the same effect.
physician a licensed medical doctor, esp. one who is not a surgeon. [2 definitions]
physician's assistant one who is certified to do certain medical procedures under the supervision of a medical doctor.
physicist a scientist whose specialty is physics.
physics (used with a sing. verb) the science that deals with matter and energy, their properties, and their interactions. [2 definitions]
physio- nature. [2 definitions]
physiognomy the facial or surface features of a person or other living creature. [2 definitions]
physiography the science that deals with the natural features, structure, and phenomena of the earth's surface, such as climate and the distribution of plants and animals; physical geography.
physiological of or relating to the vital processes or functions of a living organism or its parts.
physiology the science that deals with the processes and functions of living organisms and their cells, tissues, and parts. [2 definitions]
physiotherapy the treatment of disease, defects, or injuries by mechanical means, such as massage, exercise, or the application of heat; physical therapy.
physique the overall structure, proportions, muscular development, and appearance of the human body.
physis the area of growth at each end of the long bones of children and adolescents, also known as the epiphyseal plate or growth plate.
physostigmine a clear or pink crystalline substance obtained from the Calabar bean and used in various medicines, as for constricting the pupils in glaucoma.
-phyte a plant having the characteristic or growth habit specified. [2 definitions]
phyto- plant.
phytochemistry the branch of chemistry that deals with plants and the substances they produce.
phytogenic having developed or originated from plants, as coal.