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pop2 (informal) of, relating to, or performing popular music. [2 definitions]
pop3 (informal) father.
pop. abbreviation of "population."
pop art a form of modern art that uses subjects from everyday life and the mass media, and adapts techniques of commercial art such as comic strips.
pop concert a concert by a symphony orchestra playing popular and light classical music. [2 definitions]
popcorn any of several varieties of corn whose kernels pop open into crunchy puffs when heated. [2 definitions]
pop culture short for popular culture.
pope (often cap.) the bishop of Rome, head of the Roman Catholic Church. [3 definitions]
popeyed having bulging, wide-open eyes, as in astonishment or disbelief.
pop fly in baseball, a high fly ball in or near the infield area, usu. one that can be caught easily; pop-up; pop.
popgun a toy gun from which a pellet or cork is shot by compressed air with a loud pop.
popinjay a vain, frivolous, and talkative person.
poplar any of several fast-growing deciduous trees, such as the aspen or cottonwood. [3 definitions]
poplin a finely ribbed fabric, usu. made of cotton, used for clothing, draperies, and upholstery.
pop music popular music with, typically, a strong and singable tune, which is often accompanied by a rhythm suitable for informal dancing. It is usually performed by relatively small musical groups. Pop music is usually distinguished from classical music, religious music, jazz, and country music.
pop off (informal) to leave suddenly or unexpectedly. [3 definitions]
popover a light, puffed, hollow muffin made with flour, eggs, and milk.
popper something or someone that pops, such as a container or apparatus used for heating popcorn.
poppet an intake or exhaust valve that can rapidly plug or unplug an opening, often driven by a spring for rapid repetition; poppet valve. [2 definitions]
poppethead the tailstock or headstock of a lathe; poppet.
poppet valve see "poppet."