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postcolonial combined form of colonial.
postconception combined form of conception.
postconcert combined form of concert.
postconquest combined form of conquest.
postconsonantal combined form of consonantal.
post-consumer of or pertaining to a product or material that was once used by consumers but has since been discarded or recycled.
postconvention combined form of convention.
postcopulatory combined form of copulatory.
postcoronary combined form of coronary.
postcoup combined form of coup.
postcrisis combined form of crisis.
post-Darwinian combined form of Darwinian.
postdate to intentionally mark with a date that is later than the current date. [2 definitions]
postdeadline combined form of deadline.
postdebate combined form of debate.
postdebutante combined form of debutante.
postdelivery combined form of delivery.
postdepositional combined form of depositional.
postdepression combined form of depression.
postdiluvian existing or occurring following the Biblical flood. [2 definitions]
postdive combined form of dive.