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postmedieval combined form of medieval.
postmeridian of, pertaining to, or occurring in the afternoon; after noon.
post meridiem see "P.M."
postmidnight combined form of midnight.
postmillennial occurring or existing following the millennium; postmillennian.
postmillennialism the religious doctrine that the second coming of Jesus Christ will follow the millennium, rather than occur simultaneously with it.
postmodern in literature and the arts, esp. architecture, coming after, and usu. reacting against, modernism.
postmortem occurring or initiated after death. [5 definitions]
postnasal situated or occurring behind the nose.
postnasal drip a discharge of mucus from the back of the nasal cavity into the throat, usu. brought about by an allergy or cold.
postnatal relating to or occurring in the period following childbirth.
postneonatal combined form of neonatal.
post-obit happening or taking effect, or intended to do so, after a particular person's death. [2 definitions]
post office (often cap.) a department or branch of a government responsible for the circulation of mail. [2 definitions]
postoperative done or occurring after surgery.
postorgasmic combined form of orgasmic.
postpaid with the postage already paid by the sender.
postpartum of, relating to, or occurring in the period immediately following the delivery of a child.
postpollination combined form of pollination.
postpone to defer until a later time.
postprandial after a meal, esp. dinner.