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potful the greatest amount that a pot can contain. [2 definitions]
pother a commotion or fuss; disturbance. [4 definitions]
potherb any herbaceous plant that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable, such as spinach, or used as a seasoning, such as thyme.
potholder a pad or mitten of thick material used to handle cooking utensils when they are too hot to touch with bare hands.
pothole a hole in the surface of a road, usu. caused by weather or traffic. [2 definitions]
pothook a hook used to hang a pot or kettle over a fire, or a rod with a hook used to lift hot pots, irons, or the like, from a stove top or fire. [2 definitions]
pothunter a hunter who hunts game for food without regard to the rules of sport. [3 definitions]
potion a mixture for drinking, esp. one that is supposed to have medicinal, magical, or poisonous effects.
potlatch among Indians of the Pacific Northwest, a ceremony in which a host destroys or gives away his property to guests, who are expected to reciprocate later with a similar or greater display.
pot liquor the broth in which meat or vegetables have been cooked, often used as a gravy or sauce.
potluck a meal that is prepared without any special planning, esp. one served to a guest. [2 definitions]
potluck dinner a dinner to which every person or family brings a dish to share; potluck supper.
pot marigold a calendula cultivated for its showy yellow or orange flowers, which are used for decoration or seasoning.
Potomac a U.S. river that flows from West Virginia along the border of Washington, DC, and into the Atlantic.
potpie a pie made with meat or poultry, vegetables, and sauce, topped with a single pastry crust and baked in a deep oven dish.
potpourri a collection or combination of miscellaneous, unrelated elements or objects. [3 definitions]
pot roast a whole cut of meat, usu. chuck or round steak, that is braised or stewed, usu. in a covered pot and with vegetables.
potsherd a fragment of broken pottery, esp. one with archaeological significance.
potshot a shot fired randomly at game, esp. in disregard of hunting laws or the rules of the sport. [4 definitions]
pottage a thick soup made with vegetables and sometimes meat.
potted placed or kept in a pot. [3 definitions]