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precede to come before in time. [3 definitions]
precedence the act of preceding. [3 definitions]
precedent an act that serves or may serve as an example for future actions of a similar nature. [3 definitions]
precedential of or being a precedent. [2 definitions]
preceding that comes, goes, or exists before; prior.
precentor one who leads the music in a church, esp. the church choir.
precept a basic rule, principle, or directive that guides action, moral conduct, or thought.
preceptor one who teaches; instructor.
precession the act or condition of preceding; precedence. [3 definitions]
precession of the equinoxes the earlier occurrence of the equinoxes in each sidereal year because of a slow variation in the rotation of the earth, caused by the gravitational pull of the sun and moon.
prechill combined form of chill.
pre-Christmas combined form of Christmas.
precinct an area, as of a town or city, forming one electoral district or patrolled by one police unit. [4 definitions]
preciosity excessive care or refinement in language or style, or an instance of this.
precious of great worth or value. [6 definitions]
precious stone any of several minerals, such as diamonds, rubies, sapphires, or emeralds, that are valued for their rarity and beauty, and are often used in jewelry; gem.
precipice a steep cliff. [2 definitions]
precipitant falling straight down or moving forward very quickly; precipitate. [4 definitions]
precipitate to cause to occur suddenly or sooner than might have been expected or planned; hasten. [11 definitions]
precipitation the act of precipitating or state of being precipitated. [3 definitions]
precipitous very steep or sudden; rising or dropping abruptly. [2 definitions]