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quartet four musicians or singers who perform together as a group. [3 definitions]
quarto in printing, the size of a page equal to one quarter of a standard whole sheet, or about nine by twelve inches. [3 definitions]
quartz a common, hard, widely distributed mineral that occurs as many glasslike crystalline forms of silicon dioxide.
quartz crystal in electronics, a thin plate or rod that is cut from quartz, ground, polished, and finished in such a way that it vibrates at a specific frequency.
quartzite a metamorphic rock that consists of quartz and hardened sandstone.
quartz lamp a mercury-vapor lamp, enclosed within transparent quartz, that emits ultraviolet rays when an electric current is passed through it.
quasar any of numerous astronomical objects that emit powerful radio waves and have red shifts associated with great distance from earth; quasi-stellar radio source.
quash1 to subdue or suppress forcefully and decisively.
quash2 to declare to be of no effect, esp. in a legal proceeding; set aside; annul.
quasi- to some extent; somewhat.
quasi-stellar radio source see "quasar."
quassia a scarlet-flowered tropical American tree, the wood of which is used in making furniture. [2 definitions]
quaternary consisting of four, or grouped in fours. [4 definitions]
quatrain a group of four lines of verse, esp. one in which every other line rhymes.
quatrefoil a four-lobed leaf or flower, esp. in art. [2 definitions]
quattrocento the fifteenth century in Italian art and literature.
quaver to tremble or shake, as from exhaustion or illness. [6 definitions]
quay a pier, wharf, or other structure built along a shore for landing, loading, and unloading boats or ships.
qubit a fundamental unit of information in quantum computing that is equivalent to the binary bit used in traditional computing; quantum bit. Whereas the binary bit can only exist in two states (0 or 1), the qubit can exist in three states (0, 1, or 0 and 1 simultaneously).
queasy feeling nausea. [3 definitions]
Quebec an eastern Canadian province on the U.S. border between New Brunswick and Ontario.