roundly |
in a round manner, or in the shape of a round object. [2 definitions] |
round number |
a number given in terms of the nearest whole number, or given in the nearest tens, hundreds, or the like. The number 50 is a round number for 47. |
round off |
to reduce a number to a number that approximates it but is not a fraction, or to reduce a number to the nearest number that ends in zero. [2 definitions] |
round out |
to bring to completion or perfection. |
round robin |
an athletic contest or tournament in which each participant has a turn competing with every other one. [2 definitions] |
round-shouldered |
having the shoulders and upper back bent forward; hunched. |
round steak |
a cut of beef from between the rump and the top of the hind leg. |
Round Table |
in the Arthurian legends, the table about which King Arthur and his knights sat, or this group collectively. [2 definitions] |
round-the-clock |
continuous throughout the day and night. |
round trip |
a trip to a given destination and back to the starting point. |
roundup |
the herding of cattle for branding or shipping to market. [3 definitions] |
round up |
to bring together; collect. [2 definitions] |
roundworm |
a worm with a long, cylindrical, unsegmented body that is a parasite in mammal intestines. |
rouse |
to waken from sleep, apathy, depression, or the like; arouse. [5 definitions] |
roustabout |
a manual laborer on a wharf or ship's deck; longshoreman or deckhand. [3 definitions] |
rout1 |
a disorderly and confused retreat of defeated troops. [5 definitions] |
rout2 |
to root about with the snout, as swine. [5 definitions] |
route |
a way, such as a road, by which persons travel or by which goods are shipped or delivered. [4 definitions] |
router |
in computing, a device located where two or more networks meet that transmits and routes data from one network to another. |
routine |
standard or customary procedure or course of action. [7 definitions] |
routinely |
regularly; habitually. |