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roughrider one who does, or whose work involves, much hard riding, esp. one who breaks horses for riding. [2 definitions]
roughshod shod with horseshoes that have projecting metal points or nails, to prevent slipping.
roulade a small, thin slice of meat rolled around a filling and cooked. [2 definitions]
roulette a gambling game in which the players wager on which slot on a revolving wheel a ball will fall into when the wheel stops spinning. [3 definitions]
Roumania see "Rumania."
round having a circular or spherical shape. [24 definitions]
roundabout circuitous; indirect. [2 definitions]
round dance a folk dance performed by a circle of dancers. [2 definitions]
round down to reduce a number to its nearest whole number, or to reduce a number to the nearest lower number that ends in zero.
rounded having a curved shape; made round. [2 definitions]
roundel something round or circular. [3 definitions]
roundelay a poem or song in which the refrain is repeated often and at regular intervals.
rounder that which rounds, such as a tool that rounds off corners. [3 definitions]
Roundhead an adherent of the Parliamentary or Puritan party during the English civil war in the seventeenth century.
roundhouse a circular building containing a turntable, used for servicing and repairing locomotives. [3 definitions]
roundly in a round manner, or in the shape of a round object. [2 definitions]
round number a number given in terms of the nearest whole number, or given in the nearest tens, hundreds, or the like. The number 50 is a round number for 47.
round off to reduce a number to a number that approximates it but is not a fraction, or to reduce a number to the nearest number that ends in zero. [2 definitions]
round out to bring to completion or perfection.
round robin an athletic contest or tournament in which each participant has a turn competing with every other one. [2 definitions]