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rover one who roves; wanderer. [2 definitions]
row1 things or people arranged approximately in a straight line. [4 definitions]
row2 to cause a boat to move forward by means of oars. [6 definitions]
row3 (chiefly British) a loud or quarrelsome dispute. [2 definitions]
rowan a small mountain ash, native to Europe, that bears clusters of white flowers and red berries. [2 definitions]
rowboat a boat propelled by oars.
rowdy a noisy, rough, disorderly person. [2 definitions]
rowel a small rotating wheel with points at the end of a spur, used to goad a horse. [2 definitions]
royal of or pertaining to a king, queen, or other sovereign or monarch. [5 definitions]
royal blue a deep vivid blue color, often with a purple or red tinge.
royal flush a poker hand composed of the five highest cards of a single suit.
royalist one who supports a monarchical form of government, as during a rebellion or revolution.
royal jelly a gelatinous, highly nutritive secretion of the maxillary glands of worker honeybees, fed to all larvae initially and then as the only food to those selected to become queen bees.
royal mail in the UK, the governmental organization that oversees the delivery of mail.
royalmast the small mast immediately above, and usu. on the same spar as, a topgallant mast.
royal palm any of several tall palm trees with a bare trunk and a crowning tuft of feathery leaves, widely cultivated in Florida and the West Indies.
royalty a member of the family of a king or queen, or such members collectively. [4 definitions]
rpm abbreviation of "revolutions per minute."
RR abbreviation of "railroad," all the trains, tracks, management, and equipment that constitute a rail transportation system. [2 definitions]
-rrhagia abnormal or extreme discharge or flow.
-rrhea flow or discharge.