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schismatic of, pertaining to, or characteristic of schism. [2 definitions]
schist any of several metamorphic rocks made up of thin, roughly parallel mineral layers that split easily.
schistosomiasis a chronic, usu. tropical disease caused by an infestation of certain worm parasites, and producing disorders of the liver, bladder, lungs, or central nervous system.
schizo- split; fission.
schizocarp a dry fruit, as of the maple. that splits into two or more single-seed carpels that do not split open.
schizoid pertaining to or having a personality disorder marked by passiveness, withdrawal, and indifference to social relationships. [3 definitions]
schizophrenia a severe and often incurable mental disorder that is marked by visual and esp. auditory hallucinations, intellectual and emotional isolation from others, and unpredictable behavior. [2 definitions]
schlemiel (slang) a hapless bungler.
schlep (slang) to carry with effort; lug; haul. [4 definitions]
schlieren streaks or masses of igneous rock that differ in texture or composition from the surrounding matrix and blend gradually into it. [2 definitions]
schlock things that are cheap and of poor quality.
schmaltz (informal) extremely sentimental music, drama, or writing.
Schmidt system an optical system used in telescopes consisting of a spherical concave mirror with a correcting plate that reduces aberrations.
schmooze (informal) to engage in friendly, easy-going conversation, often with the purpose of impressing or influencing. [2 definitions]
schnapps any of several strong alcoholic liquors, esp. a certain type of gin, or a sweet viscous liquor.
schnauzer a dog of a German breed with a square snout, short ears, and a wiry coat.
scholar a learned person, esp. one who is engaged in research or study. [3 definitions]
scholarly of or appropriate to a scholar.
scholarship money given to a student by a school or organization to help pay for the cost of schooling. [2 definitions]
scholastic of or pertaining to academic learning. [4 definitions]