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shoemaker one employed in making and repairing shoes; cobbler.
shoepac a high, insulated, waterproof boot.
shoer one who shoes horses or other animals.
shoeshine the appearance of shoes after having been cleaned and polished. [2 definitions]
shoestring a thin cord passed through eyelets on a shoe to tighten it or fasten it on; shoelace. [4 definitions]
shoestring potatoes potatoes cut into long narrow strips and fried in deep fat.
shoetree a foot-shaped device inserted into a shoe in order to preserve its shape when not being worn.
shogun one of the chief military commanders of Japan from the eighth to the twelfth century, who governed in the name of the emperor.
shoji in Japan, a translucent, rice paper screen used as a sliding door or as a room divider.
shone a past tense and past participle of shine.
shoo Get away! Go away! (used to frighten away pests of various kinds). [2 definitions]
shoofly a child's rocker mounted between two supports that are shaped like animals.
shoo-in (informal) one regarded as certain to win an election, horse race, or other competition.
shook1 past tense of shake.
shook2 collectively, the parts used to assemble a barrel or box. [2 definitions]
shoot to hit, wound, destroy, or kill with a gun, arrow, or other missile. [18 definitions]
shoot from the hip (informal) to do or say without thought or consideration.
shooting an act of firing a gun at one or more persons. [2 definitions]
shooting gallery any place designed for target practice, such as a target range.
shooting star a chunk of extraterrestrial matter that burns up as it enters the earth's atmosphere; meteor. [2 definitions]
shooting stick a portable device consisting of a seat mounted on one end of a canelike stick with a spike at the other end, used esp. by spectators at golf tournaments and the like.