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snappy quick, rapid, or sudden. [4 definitions]
snapshot a photograph taken with a small ordinary camera.
snare1 a trap, usu. consisting of a noose, for catching small animals and birds. [4 definitions]
snare2 any of the adjustable strings or wires that are stretched over the bottom skin of a snare drum.
snare drum a small double-headed drum fitted with snares, or wires, stretched across the lower head that make a rattling or reverberating sound.
snark sarcastic, mocking, and often irreverent criticism. [2 definitions]
snarky impertinently mocking or critical; snide. [2 definitions]
snarl1 of a dog or other animal, to growl in a threatening or vicious way, esp. with bared teeth. [5 definitions]
snarl2 a tangle or mat, esp. of hair, thread, fishing line, or the like. [5 definitions]
snatch to seize or try to seize something, esp. with a quick or sudden movement (usu. fol. by at). [7 definitions]
snatchy happening in, consisting of, or characterized by snatches; disconnected; spasmodic or irregular.
snazzy (slang) attractive, stylish; flashy.
sneak to move quietly and stealthily. [4 definitions]
sneaker a cloth or leather sports shoe with a sole made of rubber or similar material.
sneak in to enter a place quietly and secretly.
sneaking underhanded, furtive, or stealthy. [3 definitions]
sneak out to leave a place secretly.
sneak preview a single advance screening of a motion picture, usu. done to evaluate the reaction of the audience.
sneak thief a burglar who enters without breaking in, usu. through an open door or window.
sneak up on to approach (someone) quietly and without letting that person become aware of one's presence, typically in order to surprise or attack.
sneaky of or like a sneak; furtive or underhanded.