soppy |
dripping wet; soaked. [2 definitions] |
sopranino |
of or denoting a musical instrument that has a higher pitch than the soprano of its type. [2 definitions] |
soprano |
the singing voice or part with the highest range. [4 definitions] |
sora |
a small North American marsh bird with a short bill and gray-brown plumage. |
sorbet |
a frozen dessert similar to a frappé; sherbet. |
sorbic acid |
a white crystalline solid, found in the berries of the mountain ash or synthesized, used as a food preservative and fungicide and in drying oils. |
sorbitol |
a sweet white crystalline alcohol, found in certain berries and fruits, used as a moistener in lotions and creams and as a sweetener. |
Sorbonne |
the University of Paris, esp. the college of arts and sciences. |
sorcerer |
one who is believed to have supernatural powers, aided by evil spirits; wizard. |
sorceress |
a woman who is believed to have supernatural powers, aided by evil spirits. |
sorcery |
the use of powers gained from evil spirits to do magic, cast spells, or the like; witchcraft. |
sordid |
dirty, filthy, or foul, esp. from neglect or poverty; squalid; wretched. [3 definitions] |
sore |
feeling physical pain; hurting. [7 definitions] |
sorehead |
(informal) a person who becomes angry easily, esp. as a result of losing at some competitive activity. |
sorely |
painfully or grievously. [2 definitions] |
sore throat |
painful inflammation of the throat, typically caused by an upper respiratory infection. |
sorghum |
any of various tropical grasses that have leaves resembling those of corn and a dense cluster of grain atop a tall stem, esp. one widely cultivated for its grain, for forage, or as a source of syrup. [2 definitions] |
sororal |
of, concerning, or characteristic of a sister; sisterly. |
sorority |
a social club or organization of girls or women, esp. one at a college. |
sorrel1 |
a light brown or reddish brown color. [2 definitions] |
sorrel2 |
any of various plants that have sharp-tasting leaves sometimes used in salad, soup, or the like. [2 definitions] |