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spec.2 abbreviation of "speculation."
special having a distinct or singular character that makes something distinguishable from other members of the same category. [9 definitions]
special delivery a postal service that guarantees, for a fee, the delivery of a piece of mail by messenger.
special education educational programs that are modified to meet the needs of slow learners, handicapped students, exceptionally gifted students, and the like.
special effects the technical effects of a film or videotape that create visual or auditory illusions.
specialist a person who pursues a single interest or area of study. [3 definitions]
specialization the act of making something specialized or the process of becoming specialized. [3 definitions]
specialize to devote one's attentions to a specific pursuit or field of study. [4 definitions]
special needs any additional or alternative educational needs that can accompany disabilities, esp. of young people in a school system.
special-needs having additional or different educational needs from the majority because of a disability.
specialty the condition of being special. [6 definitions]
speciation the evolutionary process through which new species develop.
specie money in coin form; coin.
species in biology, the most fundamental classification of living things, comprising individuals that naturally breed with one another but not with those of other species; subdivision of a genus. [3 definitions]
specific pertaining explicitly to a particular thing or person; particular; definite. [6 definitions]
specification the act of specifying. [3 definitions]
specific gravity the ratio of the weight or mass of a given substance to that of a standard, which for solids and liquids is water and for gases is hydrogen or air.
specificity the condition or quality of being specific. [2 definitions]
specify to name or otherwise indicate explicitly. [4 definitions]
specimen a portion or example that is representative of a larger whole. [2 definitions]
specious apparently true, genuine, or plausible, but actually worthless, as an argument or evidence. [2 definitions]