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strontium a highly reactive chemical element of the alkaline-earth group that has thirty-eight protons in each nucleus, that occurs naturally only in compounds, and that has highly toxic radioactive isotopes that are by-products of some types of nuclear fission reactions. (symbol: Sr)
strop a pliable strip, usu. of leather, on which a razor is sharpened. [2 definitions]
strophe the movement from right to left of the chorus in classical Greek drama, or the part of the choral ode sung during this movement. (Cf. antistrophe.) [2 definitions]
strove past tense of strive.
struck past tense and past participle of strike. [2 definitions]
structural of or pertaining to construction or structures. [2 definitions]
structural formula a diagram that represents the chemical structure of a substance, showing both its composition and the order of the bonds that connect its atoms.
structuralism a method of analysis involving the study of stable, structural elements, applied esp. in fields such as linguistics, anthropology, and psychology.
structuralize to include as part of a structure.
structural linguistics a method of studying a language in which it is analyzed as a network of formal systems composed of elements and their relationships, without regard to history or other languages.
structure a thing consisting of a number of elements joined together in a certain way. [6 definitions]
structureless combined form of structure.
strudel a pastry made of very thin sheets of dough baked in long rolls that are filled with fruit, nuts, cheese, or vegetables.
struggle to resist by flailing the limbs and writhing the body. [8 definitions]
strum to play (a stringed instrument) by running the fingers lightly across the strings. [4 definitions]
strumpet formerly, a harlot; whore.
strung past tense and past participle of string.
strung-out (slang) suffering from the effects of taking drugs or alcohol. [2 definitions]
strut1 to walk in a proud, vain, or cocky manner. [3 definitions]
strut2 a brace used to support a structure against pressures from the side.
struthious of or relating to an ostrich or similar bird.