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Sumerian of or pertaining to Sumer or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions]
sumi a mixture of soot and glue, made in the form of sticks that are dipped in water and used in a Japanese style of calligraphy and painting.
summa cum laude used to indicate the highest of three kinds of academic honors.
summarize to restate in a concise form. [2 definitions]
summary a short and usu. comprehensive statement of what has been previously stated. [3 definitions]
summary court-martial a court-martial composed of a single officer, for the trial of minor offenses.
summation a review of previously stated material, often including a conclusion or conclusions. [2 definitions]
summer the warmest season of the year, falling between spring and autumn. In the northern hemisphere, summer lasts from the June solstice to the September equinox. [8 definitions]
summerhouse a small building or structure, such as a gazebo, located in a park, garden, or the like and meant to provide shade, esp. during a summer day.
summerize to make ready for or protect from the heat of summer.
summer sausage a kind of dried or smoked sausage that does not require refrigeration to prevent spoilage.
summer school a high school or college session conducted during the summer.
summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the day on which the period from sunrise to sunset is longest, usu. June 21.
summer squash any of various kinds of squash, esp. a yellow variety, that must be eaten soon after harvest.
summer theater a theater that presents plays during the summer.
summertime the season of summer.
summer triangle a group of three very bright stars, Deneb, Vega, and Altair, that form a conspicuous triangle in the summer sky.
summery of, pertaining to, or suitable for summer.
summing-up the process or result of summarizing.
summit the part with the highest elevation, esp. of a mountain; peak. [5 definitions]
summitry the belief in, use of, or reliance on summit conferences to solve international problems. [2 definitions]