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take a fling at (informal) to attempt or try one's skill at.
take after to resemble (usu. a parent or grandparent)
take a hike (slang) to depart because one is not wanted.
take a look to look at something, often quickly, momentarily, or casually (often fol. by "at").
take amiss to be offended by, esp. as a result of misunderstanding.
take an oath to make a formal, solemn promise; pledge.
take apart to divide or disassemble into smaller units. [2 definitions]
take a powder (old-fashioned; slang) to hurriedly disappear.
take a seat to sit down.
take a stab at to attempt or try, esp. with little chance of success.
take a walk to spend time walking for recreation, exercise, sightseeing, contemplation, or the like. [2 definitions]
take away to remove (something) from a person, animal, or place. [3 definitions]
take a whack at (informal) to attempt (a task or action); try.
take back to retrieve or reclaim ownership of. [3 definitions]
take by surprise to come to (someone) as something completely unexpected. [2 definitions]
take care of to focus concerned attention on; be responsible for the welfare or condition of. [2 definitions]
take-charge taking forceful leadership; responsible and authoritative.
take charge to assume power over and responsibility for something or someone (often fol. by "of").
take cover to seek protection or concealment.
take down to remove (something that is hanging or in a higher position). [5 definitions]