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unbuffered combined form of buffered.
unbulky combined form of bulky.
unburden to remove a burden from. [2 definitions]
unbureaucratic combined form of bureaucratic.
unburied combined form of buried.
unburned combined form of burned.
unburnt combined form of burnt.
unbusinesslike combined form of businesslike.
unbusy combined form of busy.
unbuttered combined form of buttered.
unbutton to undo a button or buttons on (clothing or the like).
uncalcified combined form of calcified.
uncalcined combined form of calcined.
uncalibrated combined form of calibrated.
uncalled combined form of called.
uncalled-for inappropriate or unjustified. [2 definitions]
uncalloused combined form of calloused.
uncanceled combined form of canceled.
uncandid combined form of candid.
uncandidly combined form of candidly.
uncanny appearing to be beyond ordinary human or natural means or capacity.