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undeclared combined form of declared.
undeclared war a conflict that has the characteristics of a war, including open, armed fighting between nations or groups of people, but is not precipitated by an official declaration of war.
undecomposed combined form of decomposed.
undecorated combined form of decorated.
undedicated combined form of dedicated.
undefeated combined form of defeated.
undefended combined form of defended.
undefiled combined form of defiled.
undefinable combined form of definable.
undefined combined form of defined.
undefoliated combined form of defoliated.
undeformed combined form of deformed.
undelegated combined form of delegated.
undeleterious not harmful; non-injurious.
undeliverable combined form of deliverable.
undelivered combined form of delivered.
undeluded combined form of deluded.
undemanding combined form of demanding.
undemocratic combined form of democratic.
undemonstrative not tending to show one's feelings, affection, or the like; reserved.
undeniable impossible to deny or dispute; irrefutable. [2 definitions]