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undergo to be subjected to, esp. to endure or suffer.
undergraduate a college or university student who has not yet earned a degree. [3 definitions]
underground located, living, taking place, or operating beneath the earth's surface. [9 definitions]
underground railroad (often cap.) a secret system established by former slaves and abolitionists before the U.S. Civil War to help fugitive slaves reach places of safety.
undergrowth low plant growth beneath and around taller trees.
underhand done with the hand below shoulder level. [3 definitions]
underhanded intentionally deceptive; sneaky.
underlay to place (one thing) under another. [4 definitions]
underlie to be situated under; lie under or beneath. [2 definitions]
underline to draw a line under (something written) so as to draw attention to or mark for italicizing. [3 definitions]
underling a subordinate, esp. one in an insignificant position.
underlining the act of putting a line under; underscoring. [3 definitions]
underlying lying under or below. [4 definitions]
undermine to weaken the foundations of. [2 definitions]
undermost furthest down; lowest, esp. in rank.
underneath below or beneath, esp. directly under. [7 definitions]
under no circumstances in no instance; never.
undernourish to give insufficient food or sustenance to.
under oath bound by oath to tell the truth or fulfill a promise.
under one's belt made part of one's permanent knowledge or experience; mastered; completed.
under one's thumb controlled or heavily influenced by someone.