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uneventful not marked by interesting or unusual events; routine.
unexacting combined form of exacting.
unexaggerated combined form of exaggerated.
unexamined combined form of examined.
unexampled having no previous example or equal; unprecedented.
unexcelled combined form of excelled.
unexceptionable without flaw or fault; beyond objection or criticism.
unexceptional not exceptional; ordinary; usual. [2 definitions]
unexcitable combined form of excitable.
unexcited combined form of excited.
unexciting combined form of exciting.
unexcused combined form of excused.
unexotic combined form of exotic.
unexpected not expected or foreseen; surprising.
unexpended combined form of expended.
unexpired combined form of expired.
unexplainable combined form of explainable.
unexplained combined form of explained.
unexploded set to detonate but not yet detonated.
unexplored of or pertaining to a place, area, or field that has not been examined or investigated before.
unexposed combined form of exposed.