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unranked combined form of ranked.
unravel to undo (something knitted or woven); reduce from cloth to threads; cause to come apart. [3 definitions]
unravished combined form of ravished.
unreachable combined form of reachable.
unreached combined form of reached.
unread not read, as a book. [2 definitions]
unreadable not able to be read, as handwriting; illegible. [3 definitions]
unreadiness combined form of readiness.
unready not prepared for some action or undertaking. [2 definitions]
unreal not real; lacking actuality or substance; illusory. [2 definitions]
unrealistic not based on reality, esp. with regard to its limits or dimensions; visionary, fantastic, or impractical.
unrealizable combined form of realizable.
unrealized combined form of realized.
unreason absence of reasonable thinking or behavior; irrationality, madness, or absurdity.
unreasonable not acting or behaving as reason would suggest; not governed by good judgment or sound thinking, esp. in relation to others. [2 definitions]
unreasoning not using, produced by, or controlled by reason; irrational.
unreceptive combined form of receptive.
unreclaimable combined form of reclaimable.
unreclaimed combined form of reclaimed.
unrecognizable defying recognition.
unrecognizably combined form of recognizably.