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wharf rat any of various large brown rats commonly found around wharves. [2 definitions]
what which thing or kind of thing. [12 definitions]
whatchamacallit (informal) that thing that one cannot recall the name of or does not wish to mention the name of.
what'd (informal) contracted form of "what did."
whatever anything or everything that. [7 definitions]
What gives? (informal) used to obtain an explanation with regard to the current situation or what is currently happening (used esp. when confused or suspicious).
what'll contracted form of "what will."
what makes one tick what motivates or directs one's behavior (often used as a question).
whatnot a small shelf or set of shelves for figurines, bric-a-brac, or other small items, or any of the items themselves. [2 definitions]
what're (informal) contracted form of "what are."
what's contracted form of "what is," or contracted form of "what has." [2 definitions]
whatsoever whatever.
What's up? used as an informal greeting or to inquire what is happening (sometimes fol. by "with").
what've (informal) contracted form of "what have."
wheal a weal.
wheat the edible grain of certain cereal grasses, used in the making of flour and flour products. [2 definitions]
wheat cake a pancake made from wheat flour.
wheatear a small, long-legged, brownish thrush with a white rump and black tail.
wheaten of, pertaining to, or made of wheat or wheat flour. [2 definitions]
wheat germ the nutritious, vitamin-rich embryo of the wheat kernel, separated before milling and used as a food supplement.
whee used to express joy, excitement, enthusiasm, or the like.