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windsock a tapered open-ended cloth tube with the larger end pivoting from a pole, mounted as at airports to show the wind direction.
Windsor a member of the British royal family since 1917, or the name of the family itself.
Windsor chair a wooden chair having a spindle back, outward-slanting legs, and a saddle seat.
Windsor knot a form of slipknot used to tie a four-in-hand necktie, that results in a wide triangular knot.
Windsor tie a wide soft necktie, usu. of black silk, tied in a loose bow.
windstorm a storm with high winds that may or may not be accompanied by precipitation.
windsurf to stand on a special surfboard to which a flexible sail is attached and move across the water by manipulating the sail.
windsurfing a sport in which the participant stands on a special kind of surfboard to which a flexible sail is attached and moves across the water by manipulating the sail.
windswept exposed or subjected to the wind; windy or windblown.
wind tee a large T-shaped weather vane, usu. found on or near airfields.
wind tunnel a chamber through which air is forced and in which planes, motor vehicles, and the like, or scale models of them, are tested to determine the effects of wind pressure.
wind turbine a device that generates electricity through the conversion of the wind's kinetic energy.
windup the conclusion or last stages or activities of something. [3 definitions]
wind up (informal) to bring (something) to an end. [4 definitions]
windward to or toward the wind. [3 definitions]
windy having a great or excessive amount of wind; characterized by wind. [4 definitions]
wine the fermented juice of any of a variety of fruits, although typically made from grapes. Wine has an alcohol content averaging around 12 to 18 percent. [7 definitions]
wine and dine to entertain, as by treating to a lavish dinner and drinks.
winebibber a person who drinks much wine.
wine cellar a place, often a cellar, for the storing of wine. [2 definitions]
wine-colored having the color of red wine; deep purple-red.