wrapped up in |
engrossed or absorbed in (an activity, entertainment, or the like). |
wrapper |
that which can be used to wrap; wrapping; wrap. [3 definitions] |
wrapping |
(often pl.) material that is used to wrap something. |
wrap-up |
(informal) a summary, esp. of broadcast news. |
wrap up |
to finish tidily; conclude. |
wrasse |
any of various usu. brightly colored tropical fish with thick lips and strong teeth. |
wrath |
violent or fierce anger, indignation, or resentment. [3 definitions] |
wrathful |
full of, displaying, or prompted by wrath. |
wreak |
to inflict or carry out (punishment, revenge, destruction, or the like). [2 definitions] |
wreath |
a circular band, usu. of flowers or foliage woven or twisted together, used as a symbol or decoration. [2 definitions] |
wreathe |
to make into a wreath; bend, twist, or weave. [6 definitions] |
wreck |
an action or event, such as a collision, that results in great or total destruction. [10 definitions] |
wreckage |
the remains of that which has been wrecked. [2 definitions] |
wrecker |
one who wrecks, engages in wrecking, or causes a wreck. [3 definitions] |
wrecking bar |
a small crowbar with a claw at one end and a point or curve used as a lever at the other. |
wren |
any of several related small songbirds, with relatively long bills, brownish plumage barred with black, and an upright tail. [2 definitions] |
wrench |
to twist suddenly and with force. [13 definitions] |
wrest |
to take, take away, or obtain with or as if with a forcible twist or yank. [3 definitions] |
wrestle |
to engage in the sport of wrestling, or to grapple as if in that sport. [6 definitions] |
wrestling |
an athletic exercise or contest in which two opponents grapple, each in an effort to throw and pin the other to the ground. [2 definitions] |
wretch |
one who is desperately poor, unhappy, or unfortunate. [2 definitions] |