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yeasayer a person who has a confident and positive attitude toward life. [2 definitions]
yeast any of the minute cells or froth of certain fungi used to ferment alcohol, make dough rise, or manufacture certain medicines. [4 definitions]
yeasty of, like, or made with yeast. [4 definitions]
yell to scream out loudly, as in pain, anger, fright, surprise, or enthusiasm. [4 definitions]
yellow the color of an egg yolk or ripe lemon; the color between orange and green on the spectrum. [7 definitions]
yellow-bellied sapsucker a North American sapsucker that has black and white feathers on its back, a redhead, and a yellowish abdomen.
yellowbird any of various birds that are yellow or predominantly yellow, such as the yellow warbler or the goldfinch.
yellowcake a powdery uranium concentrate used esp. in nuclear reactors that is obtained from the milling of uranium.
yellow-dog contract an employment contract, now illegal, in which an employee agrees not to remain in or join a labor union.
yellow fever an infectious, often fatal disease of tropical climates caused by a virus spread by mosquitoes and characterized by jaundice, fever, vomiting, and hemorrhaging.
yellow-fever mosquito a small mosquito that transmits yellow fever and dengue.
yellowhammer a small common Eurasian bunting, the male of which is marked by a bright yellow head, neck, and breast. [2 definitions]
yellow jack see "yellow fever." [3 definitions]
yellow jacket any of several small social wasps or hornets that have black bodies with bright yellow markings.
yellow journalism the use of sensational or unscrupulous material in newspapers and the like, with the aim of attracting or influencing readers.
yellow metal a yellow alloy made of copper and zinc; Muntz metal. [2 definitions]
yellow pages (often caps.) the classified section of a telephone directory, usu. printed on yellow paper, that lists the subscribers alphabetically according to the business, profession, or service they offer.
yellow pine any of several North American pines with strong, yellowish wood. [2 definitions]
yellow rain a highly toxic yellowish powder found in Southeast Asia between 1975 and 1985, thought by some to be a chemical warfare agent dropped by airplanes.
Yellow River a major river originating in the mountains of western China and flowing mostly eastward toward the Bohai Sea; Huang He River.
yellow-shafted flicker a color phase of the common flicker that has bright yellow on the undersides of its wings and tail; yellowhammer.