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yuck (slang) used as an expression of disgust.
yucky (slang) distasteful; disgusting.
Yugoslav a native or citizen of present or former Yugoslavia, or a descendant thereof; Yugoslavian. [2 definitions]
Yugoslavia formerly, a southeastern European country on the Balkan Peninsula. It is now divided into the independent republics of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Serbia.
Yukon a territory of northwestern Canada. [2 definitions]
Yukon River a river that flows from the Yukon territory in Canada through central Alaska to the Bering Sea.
yule (sometimes cap.) Christmas or the Christmas season.
yule log a large log that traditionally formed the foundation of the Christmas Eve fire.
yuletide (sometimes cap.) the Christmas holiday season. [2 definitions]
yummy (informal) very tasty or otherwise pleasing to the senses.
yum-yum delicious; tasty; excellent (used to express pleasure, esp. in the taste of food).
yup (informal) yes.
Yupik a member of an indigenous group of people inhabiting parts of Alaska and Siberia, or a descendant of this group.
yuppie (informal) any young urban professional who is ambitious, upwardly mobile, materialistic, faddish, or the like.
yurt a movable round tent of skins or felt, used esp. by nomads in parts of Asia.
YWCA abbreviation of "Young Women's Christian Association."
YWHA abbreviation of "Young Women's Hebrew Association."
z the twenty-sixth and last letter of the English alphabet. [3 definitions]
Zagreb the capital of Croatia.
Zaire former name of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, used from 1971 to 1997. [2 definitions]
zaire the former chief monetary unit of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, equaling one hundred makuta.