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decennial happening every ten years. [3 definitions]
decent conforming to social standards as regards morality, modesty, good taste, or the like; not obscene or offensive. [5 definitions]
decentralize to assign the powers and functions of (a central organization or service) to various local branches or entities. [2 definitions]
deception the act of causing someone to believe an untruth, or the state of being so deceived. [2 definitions]
deceptive able to or tending to deceive; misleading.
decerebrate to separate the brain from the spinal cord of (a person or animal), as by surgery. [3 definitions]
deci- one tenth.
deciare a unit of area equal to ten square meters or 11.96 square yards.
decibel a unit indicating the level of loudness of sound, relative to a standard level, or indicating relative differences in power levels of electrical signals, equal to ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of the two levels. (abbr.: dB)
decide to arrive at a conclusion about or a settlement of; determine. [7 definitions]
decided unquestionable. [2 definitions]
decidua a mucous membrane that lines the uterus and is cast off at childbirth or during menstruation.
deciduous of trees and shrubs, having leaves that drop off seasonally each year. (Cf. evergreen.) [3 definitions]
decigram a unit of weight equal to one tenth of a gram or 1.543 grains.
decile in statistics, any of the values that divide a frequency distribution into ten groups of equal frequency, or any one of these groups.
deciliter a unit of capacity equal to one tenth of a liter or 3.39 fluid ounces.
decillion the number represented by the Arabic numeral 1033. [2 definitions]
decimal pertaining to the number ten or to tenths. [5 definitions]
decimal classification a system of organizing books in libraries using numbers with decimals.
decimal fraction a fraction whose denominator is some power of ten, indicated by a decimal point before the numerator, such as .7, equaling seven tenths, or .015, equaling fifteen thousandths. (Cf. common fraction.)
decimal point a period placed before the numerator in a decimal fraction.