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doomsayer one who consistently predicts failure or disaster; pessimist.
doomscrolling the practice of sifting through online news stories and consuming excessively large amounts of news depicting violence, corruption, or devastation.
doomsday the day on which the Last Judgment is supposed to occur, at the end of the world. [2 definitions]
Doomsday Book variant of Domesday Book.
do one's bit to give one's effort to a particular endeavor, often one that is shared with others; do one's share.
do one's hair to arrange one's own or another person's hair in a particular style.
do one's makeup to apply makeup, usually to the face.
door an opening, esp. in a room or building, through which one enters or leaves; entryway. [5 definitions]
doorbell a bell, buzzer, or other signal at an outside door, as of a house or apartment, sounded to gain admission.
do-or-die showing or necessitating desperate effort. [2 definitions]
do or die to make the ultimate effort.
doorframe the framework of a doorway.
doorjamb one of the vertical sides of a doorframe; doorpost.
doorkeeper one whose job is to guard or tend the entrance to a building.
doorknob a rounded handle or knob used to open and close a door.
doorless combined form of door.
doorman one whose job is to tend the entrance of an apartment house, hotel, or other building, and to assist residents or guests.
doormat a mat placed in front of or inside a door, on which to remove dirt from shoes or feet. [2 definitions]
doornail a large-headed nail formerly used to stud doors.
doorplate a plate, usu. of metal, attached to or next to a door, bearing the room number, name of occupant, or the like.
doorpost either of the upright posts in a doorframe; doorjamb.