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fearsome causing awe or fear.
feasance in law, doing that which is a duty, condition, obligation, or the like.
feasible capable of being done, carried out, or brought about; likely to succeed. [3 definitions]
feast any sumptuous and elaborate meal, usu. for many people; banquet. [6 definitions]
feast day (often cap.) a periodic commemorative event or occasion, esp. a religious festival celebrating a saint or holy occurrence.
feat an act or accomplishment, esp. one requiring courage, strength, or skill.
feather one of the structures forming the plumage of birds, consisting of a hollow, tapering, horny shaft growing from the skin and bearing a web of slender, parallel, interlocked barbs on either side. [12 definitions]
featherbed to hire or require the hiring of more employees than are needed or limit the production of each, or to be hired as a result of such an arrangement.
featherbedding the practice, or an instance, of requiring an employer to hire more workers than necessary, or of restricting the production of workers.
featherbrain a foolish or flighty person; scatterbrain.
featheredge a tapering or thinning edge, resembling the edge of a feather, as of a wedge-shaped board.
feather in one's cap an accomplishment or achievement; something that does one credit.
featherless combined form of feather.
feather one's nest to exploit an opportunity to enrich oneself, esp. to the disadvantage or at the expense of others.
featherstitch a stitch in embroidery or knitting in which short, alternating branches on either side of a central line form a zigzag pattern. [3 definitions]
featherweight a boxer or competitor in certain other sports weighing 118-126 pounds, or 54-57 kilograms. [4 definitions]
feathery suggestive of feathers, as in lightness of appearance, touch, sound, or the like. [2 definitions]
feature an element of the face such as the eyes, nose, or chin. [9 definitions]
featured given prominence or special attention. [2 definitions]
featureless lacking distinctive or interesting characteristics.
Feb. abbreviation of "February," the second month of the Gregorian calendar year, usu. having twenty-eight days, but having one additional day every leap, or fourth, year.