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goof (informal) a foolish mistake; blunder. [4 definitions]
goof around (informal) to amuse oneself, esp. by doing silly or frivolous things.
go off to explode. [8 definitions]
go off on a tangent to switch suddenly from a main topic or course of action to another that is irrelevant.
go off on (someone) (informal) to explode in anger or outrage at someone, usually with a burst of speech.
goof-off (informal) someone who habitually wastes time or avoids responsibility; shirker.
goof off to waste time, pass time idly, or avoid doing one's work
goofy (informal) typical of a goof; silly, stupid, or foolish.
Google a U.S. corporation that developed a popular and distinctive internet search engine. [3 definitions]
gook1 (informal) dirt, slime, grime, or sludge. [2 definitions]
gook2 (derogatory slang) a non-white person, esp. one of East Asia.
goon (informal) someone hired to frighten, harm, or kill an adversary; hoodlum; thug.
go on to continue. [6 definitions]
gooney bird (informal) an albatross.
go on record to make an official or formal statement of one's position.
goose a wild or domesticated water bird that resembles a duck but is usu. larger and has a longer neck and legs and a more pointed bill. [6 definitions]
gooseberry an edible green berry that grows on a prickly shrub related to the currant. [3 definitions]
goose bump roughness of the skin that looks like the skin of a plucked goose. Goose bumps last only for a short while and are caused by cold or fear.
goose flesh a temporary, roughened condition of the skin in which the papillae become erect as a result of fear, surprise, cold, or the like; goose bumps; goose pimples.
goosefoot any of various weedy plants that bear small green flowers.
goose grease the melted fat of a goose.