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griddlecake a thin cake cooked on or as if on a griddle; pancake.
gridiron a flat framework of parallel or crisscrossed metal bars, used to support foods for broiling. [4 definitions]
gridlock a traffic jam in which congestion in a grid of streets blocks movement in all directions. [2 definitions]
grief intense sorrow or distress, esp. over a loss; anguish. [3 definitions]
grief-stricken suffering from much grief; sorrowing.
grievance an injustice considered a cause for complaint, or the complaint resulting from such an injustice.
grievance committee a committee empowered to settle grievances, as between labor and management, according to formal procedures established by prior agreement.
grieve to feel intense sorrow; mourn. [2 definitions]
grievous causing emotional or physical suffering; painful. [3 definitions]
griffin a mythical monster depicted in art with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion.
griffon a variant of griffin.
grift the act or process of swindling or cheating in order to obtain money or property. [4 definitions]
grifter a person who engages in a confidence game or a cheat in order to obtain money or property.
grigri a charm or fetish, usu. African or associated with voodoo.
grill a framework or grating of parallel metal bars used to support foods for broiling; gridiron. [7 definitions]
grille a grating, often of metal, used as a screen, barrier, or decoration over an opening such as a window or the ventilation area of an engine.
grilled cooked on a grill or gridiron.
grilled cheese shortened form of "grilled cheese sandwich," a cheese sandwich, usually made with white bread, that has been toasted in a skillet until the cheese has melted and the bread is golden brown on the outer sides.
grilled cheese sandwich a cheese sandwich, usually made with white bread, that has been toasted in a skillet until the cheese is melted and the bread is golden brown on the outer sides.
grillroom a restaurant or part of a restaurant where grilled foods are a specialty.
grillwork a grille, or material functioning as or resembling a grille.