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interj. abbreviation of "interjection."
interject to interpose (a remark or comment) between words or remarks or in the middle of a conversation or discussion.
interjection the act of putting in or between, or of interposing. [3 definitions]
interlace to cross over and under as if laced together; intertwine; interweave.
interlard to insert in various places; intersperse with; mix in (usu. fol. by "with").
interlay to lay or place between or among.
interlayer combined form of layer.
interleaf an additional leaf or page, usu. blank, that is bound between other pages of a book, often for a reader to make notes on.
interleave to insert or bind an interleaf or interleaves in.
interlibrary combined form of library.
interline1 to write, print, or insert between the lines of (a text, document, or the like); interlineate.
interline2 to provide with an interlining.
interlineal interlinear.
interlinear inserted between the lines, as of written or printed text. [2 definitions]
interlineate see "interline1."
Interlingua an artificial language developed for international communication, esp. among scientists.
interlining1 a lining between the ordinary lining of a garment and its outer fabric.
interlining2 any written material that is inserted between existing lines of print or writing.
interlink to link together; interconnect.
interlobular combined form of lobular.
interlocal combined form of local.