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Kingstown the capital of St. Vincent.
kingwood the hard, fine-textured, purplish brown wood of a Brazilian tree, used in cabinetmaking.
kinin a hormone in the body that lowers blood pressure, causes smooth muscles to contract, increases permeability of blood vessels, and the like.
kink a short, tight curl or twist, as in a wire, hose, or hair. [5 definitions]
kinkajou a nocturnal, tree-dwelling animal of Central and South America that has a long, prehensile tail and brown fur.
kinky having tight twists or curls, as hair. [2 definitions]
kinnikinick a mixture of dried leaves, bark, and sometimes tobacco, formerly smoked by American Indians and pioneers.
kinsfolk variant of kinfolk.
Kinshasa the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo; formerly Leopoldville.
kinship the state or fact of being a relative or relatives, esp. by birth. [2 definitions]
kinsman a male relative, esp. by birth. [2 definitions]
kinswoman a female relative, esp. by birth. [2 definitions]
kiosk an open gazebo, summerhouse, or pavilion. [4 definitions]
Kiowa a member of an American Indian people of the southwestern United States. [2 definitions]
kip1 the untreated hide of a small or young animal. [2 definitions]
kip2 a unit of weight equal to one thousand pounds.
kip3 the chief monetary unit of Laos, equaling one hundred at.
kipper a cured, dried fish, esp. herring. [2 definitions]
Kirghiz see "Kyrgyz."
Kiribati a central Pacific island country, northeast of Australia.
Kirlian photography a method of photographing an image of what is claimed to be an energy aura of animals and plants.