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likuta the smaller monetary unit of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (Cf. zaire.)
lilac a hardy, widely cultivated shrub bearing large clusters of purple, white, or pink flowers. [3 definitions]
lilangeni the chief monetary unit of Eswatini, equaling one hundred cents.
Lilliput in Jonathan Swift's eighteenth-century satire Gulliver's Travels, a land inhabited by people who are about six inches tall.
Lilliputian of or relating to Lilliput. [4 definitions]
Lilongwe the capital of Malawi.
lilt a pleasing variation in musical tone or rhythm. [3 definitions]
lily any of several plants grown from a bulb and bearing large bell-shaped or trumpet-shaped flowers. [4 definitions]
lily-livered lacking courage; meek.
lily of the valley a widely cultivated perennial of the lily family having small, white, very fragrant bell-shaped flowers.
lily pad the large, flat, floating leaf of a water lily.
lily-white white as a lily. [4 definitions]
Lima the capital of Peru.
lima bean any of several plants that bear broad pods containing large green or white edible seeds. [2 definitions]
limb1 a main branch of a tree. [3 definitions]
limb2 an edge or border that differs in appearance or structure from the surface or object it borders, such as the visible edge of a heavenly body.
limbed having a specified kind of limb (usu. used in combination).
limber bending or flexing easily; pliant. [4 definitions]
limbic in anatomy, pertaining to or characterized by a limbus, or border between two bodily structures.
limbic system a set of brain structures, located at the border (or limbus) separating the cerebral hemisphere from the brain stem, that support emotional responses, behavior, memory formation, and olfaction.
limbo1 (often cap.) in theology, a place neither in heaven nor hell for souls neither saved nor condemned, such as those of unbaptized infants. [2 definitions]