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Mo symbol of the chemical element molybdenum.
MO abbreviation of "Missouri," a Midwestern U.S. state between Kansas and Illinois.
M.O. abbreviation of "modus operandi" (Latin); method of operating.
mo. abbreviation of "month."
moa an extinct, flightless, long-necked bird native to New Zealand.
Moab Isolation Center a special U.S. internment camp located near Moab, Utah, occupied in 1943 by American citizens of Japanese descent who had been deemed to be "trouble-makers" during their previous internment at ordinary camps created for the holding of Japanese-Americans during World War II. The conditions at the Moab Isolation Center were harsher than at other camps. At its peak, there were about fifty people being held there.
moan a long, low, mournful outcry expressing pain, grief, or sorrow. [7 definitions]
moat a deep trench dug for defense around a castle, fort, medieval town, or the like, and usu. filled with water.
mob a large, disorderly, or riotous crowd of people. [9 definitions]
mobcap a large, high, frilly cap worn indoors by women of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
mobile able to move or be moved from one place or position to another. [6 definitions]
mobile device a portable computing device such as a smartphone or tablet.
mobile home a movable house without a permanent foundation but able to be placed and connected to utilities fairly permanently.
mobility the quality of moving or being moved easily from place to place, or of having ease and flexibility of motion. [2 definitions]
mobilization the act of assembling and preparing (troops or the like) for active military duty or service to a country. [3 definitions]
mobilize to assemble and prepare (troops or the like) for active military duty or service to a country. [4 definitions]
Möbius strip a one-sided surface formed by twisting a rectangular strip one hundred and eighty degrees and connecting its two ends together.
mobocracy political rule or domination by a mob.
mobster (informal) one who belongs to a mob or criminal gang; gangster.
Moby Dick the white whale in Herman Melville's mid-nineteenth-century novel of the same name.
moccasin a soft leather shoe or slipper without a hard sole or a heel, made originally by American Indians. [3 definitions]