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Norman Conquest the conquest of England by the Normans, led by William the Conqueror, in 1066.
Normandy a French province on the English Channel.
Norman French the people of mixed Scandinavian and French ancestry who invaded England in 1066, or their language as used in Normandy and England. [2 definitions]
normative of, pertaining to, or prescribing a law, standard, or norm, esp. with regard to correctness in speaking, writing, or behavior.
Norse of or pertaining to Norway, esp. ancient Norway, or its people, culture, language, or the like; Norwegian. [5 definitions]
Norseman a member of one of the ancient Scandinavian peoples, esp. of Norway or its colonies; Northman.
north the direction to the left of a person facing the rising sun. [6 definitions]
North Africa the African countries bordering the Mediterranean, from Morocco through most of Egypt.
North America the northern continent in the Western Hemisphere, lying between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
North American of or having to do with North America, or its people or languages. [2 definitions]
northbound going toward the north.
North Carolina a southeastern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast between Virginia and South Carolina. (abbr.: NC)
North Dakota a north central U.S. state on the Canadian border between Minnesota and Montana. (abbr.: ND)
northeast a point on the compass halfway between north and east. [4 definitions]
northeaster a strong wind or storm from the northeast.
northeasterly of, in, or toward the northeast. [3 definitions]
northeastern located in, coming from, or characteristic of the northeast.
northeasterner a person born or living in a northeastern region.
northeastward toward the northeast. [3 definitions]
northeastwardly toward the northeast. [2 definitions]
norther a sudden storm or gale from the north.