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on fire burning; in flames. [3 definitions]
on foot by walking.
ongoing existing continuously from some time in the past into the present.
on guard alert and prepared.
on hand readily available.
on her beam-ends of a ship, tipping so far to one side as to be nearly capsizing.
on hold waiting to complete a telephone call.
on ice (informal) in reserve.
onion a round, sharp-tasting bulb used extensively in cooking and as a flavoring. [2 definitions]
onionskin a translucent paper, often used for typing.
on (one's) last legs having very little remaining energy, strength, hope, or ability to function; liable to collapse or die.
online connected to or reached through a computer or computer network. [3 definitions]
onlooker someone who watches; observer; spectator.
only solely; as the sole instance. [8 definitions]
on occasion now and then; irregularly.
onomastic of or relating to proper names.
onomastics (used with a sing. verb) the study of the origins, history, and forms of proper names. [2 definitions]
onomatopoeia the formation or use of words whose sounds suggest the meanings of the words, such as "bang," "moo," or "jingle".
Onondaga a member of a tribe of North American Indians inhabiting the area around Onondaga Lake in New York State and belonging to the Six Nations. [2 definitions]
on one's feet in a standing position. [3 definitions]
on one's mettle in a position to demonstrate inner reserves of good character or spirit.