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peg top a child's top that spins on a metal tip or point.
peignoir a woman's dressing gown.
pejoration a lessening or worsening in worth, quality, or the like; depreciation. [2 definitions]
pejorative acting or tending to create a negative impression; disparaging; demeaning. [2 definitions]
Peking see "Beijing."
Pekingese of or pertaining to Beijing, China, or its people, culture, language, or the like. [4 definitions]
Peking man a type of early human whose fossil remains were found near Beijing, China.
pekoe a superior grade of black tea made from young leaves.
Pelagian of or concerning a doctrine, condemned as heresy by the Roman Catholic Church in 416 A.D., that denies original sin and asserts one's ability to achieve salvation through virtuous acts of free will.
pelagic of, concerning, or living on the open sea, far from land, esp. on or near the surface.
pelargonium a plant of the geranium family having circular, sometimes aromatic leaves, and bearing variously colored flowers.
pelf money or wealth, usu. regarded with disapproval or contempt.
pelican any of several large water birds of warm climates that have a long bill with a distendable pouch in the lower half, for catching and holding fish.
pelisse an outer garment, such as a cape, that is lined or trimmed with fur. [2 definitions]
pellagra a disease caused by too little niacin in the diet, resulting in skin rash, nerve disorders, and diarrhea.
pellet a small bullet or shot. [4 definitions]
pelletize to treat (pulverized ore or coal) with additives, roll into aggregates, and harden by baking into pellets.
pell-mell in a hasty, disordered, jumbled manner. [2 definitions]
pellucid allowing maximum light to pass through; transparent. [2 definitions]
Peloponnese a large and historically significant peninsula in southern Greece; Peloponnesus.
Peloponnesus a large and historically significant peninsula in southern Greece; Peloponnese.