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resplendence the state or quality of being resplendent.
resplendent full of splendor; radiant; shining.
respond to give a reply, in words or otherwise. [3 definitions]
respondent responding or replying. [3 definitions]
responder a person or thing that responds or reacts. [2 definitions]
response the act or process of responding. [3 definitions]
responsibility the condition or fact of being responsible; the condition or fact of being answerable or accountable. [3 definitions]
responsible answerable or accountable. [6 definitions]
responsive acting or speaking in answer. [2 definitions]
responsory a responsive verse or set of verses spoken or sung in a church service.
respot combined form of spot.
resprout combined form of sprout.
res publica (Latin) public matter; the state, republic, or commonwealth.
rest1 a state of relaxation or sleep that restores the body. [20 definitions]
rest2 a piece or part that remains. [3 definitions]
restabilize combined form of stabilize.
restack combined form of stack.
restage combined form of stage.
restamp combined form of stamp.
restart to cause (something) to begin afresh or to begin operating again. [5 definitions]
restate to state again or in a different way.