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revolving door a door whose partitions, usu. four, are connected on a central revolving axis, allowing entrance as one pushes against a panel.
revote combined form of vote.
revue a form of entertainment consisting of a series of songs, comic routines, and dances, often as parodies of current affairs and people.
revulsion violent dislike and disgust; abhorrence; loathing. [2 definitions]
reward a sum of money or something else of value that is promised to someone for the capture of criminals, return of stolen property, or other service. [4 definitions]
rewardable combined form of reward.
rewarding affording a sense of satisfaction; gratifying.
rewarm combined form of warm.
rewash combined form of wash.
reweave combined form of weave.
reweigh combined form of weigh.
rewet combined form of wet.
rewind to wind again, or to wind back (a cassette tape or the like) to the original position or to a preceding position.
rewire to furnish with new wiring.
reword to express or repeat using different words; paraphrase.
rework to work over again, as in rewriting or revising. [2 definitions]
rewound past tense and past participle of rewind.
rewrap combined form of wrap.
rewrite to write again using different words or a different form or style; revise. [4 definitions]
rex (Latin) king.
Reye's syndrome a rare, acute, often fatal disease that chiefly affects children, usu. follows a viral disease, and is characterized by fever, vomiting, enlargement of the brain and liver, and neurological disorders.