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sporting goods items for sale that are related to sports and hunting.
sportive fun-loving; playful. [2 definitions]
sports of or pertaining to a sport or to sporting or athletic events. [2 definitions]
sports car a small, low automobile suitable for racing, with a high-powered engine and usu. with seats for two.
sportscast a broadcast of a sports event or sports news on television or radio.
sports jacket a jacket similar to one worn with a men's suit but designed to be more casual.
sportsman a man who engages in sports or outdoor pastimes, esp. hunting or fishing. [2 definitions]
sportsmanship the characteristics and conduct worthy of a sportsman.
sportswear clothes designed to be worn while engaged in sports, but often worn casually.
sportswoman a woman who participates in sports.
sportswriter a person who writes about sports, esp. for a newspaper or magazine.
sport-utility vehicle a passenger vehicle that combines the seating capacity of a large car or van with the power of a truck.
sporty jaunty or flashy; showy. [3 definitions]
sporule a small spore.
spot a mark, such as a stain, or something like a stain, that is different in color from the area surrounding it; blot. [13 definitions]
spot-check to check or inspect on a partial, usu. random, basis.
spot check an inspection carried out in an occasional, partial, or random fashion.
spotless completely without dirt, stain, or spots. [2 definitions]
spotlight a strong light used to illuminate one person or a small area, usu. on stage. [5 definitions]
spotted marked with spots. [2 definitions]
spotted fever any of various infectious diseases transmitted by ticks and characterized by skin eruptions, esp. Rocky Mountain spotted fever. (See tick fever.) [2 definitions]