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couch a large piece of upholstered furniture with a back and usu. with arms, on which several people can sit or one can lie; sofa. [4 definitions]
couchant lying or reclining. [2 definitions]
couch grass a grass that has creeping rootstocks, by which it spreads rapidly, and is considered a troublesome weed; quack grass; quitch.
couching (archaic) the act or an instance of crouching or bowing low to the ground.
couch potato (informal) a person whose main leisure pastime is television viewing.
cougar a large tan wild cat of North and South America; mountain lion; puma.
cough to release air noisily and spasmodically from the lungs as a result of illness or foreign matter in the respiratory system. [6 definitions]
cough drop a small candylike lozenge that is medicated for relieving a cough, sore throat, or the like.
cough up (slang) to give over (something demanded, esp. money). [2 definitions]
could used to express that there was ability to do something in the past, or that an action or state was possible in the past. [4 definitions]
could do with would benefit from (something); need or needs to some degree.
couldn't contracted form of "could not."
could've contracted form of "could have."
coulee a deep, narrow ravine, esp. in the western United States, cut by rain or melting snow. [2 definitions]
coulomb a unit of electrical charge equal to the charge of 6.28 times 1018 electrons or the charge transferred in one second by a steady current of one ampere.
coulter variant of colter.
council an assembly of persons gathered together for administrative, legislative, or advisory purposes. [2 definitions]
councilman a member of a council, as of a city or town.
councilor someone who belongs to a council.
councilwoman a female member of a council, as of a city or town.
counsel guidance or advice, esp. as given by an authority or wise person. [6 definitions]