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depict to portray or represent, as in a painting, sculpture, or written work.
depiction the way in which something is shown or represented, as in a painting, sculpture, or written work.
depilate to remove hair from (hides, skin, or the like).
depilatory able or designed to remove hair. [2 definitions]
deplane to get off an airplane.
deplete to lessen drastically; exhaust.
depletion the act or process of depleting.
deplorable deserving of contempt, censure, or reproach; very bad; wretched. [2 definitions]
deplore to feel or show strong disapproval of. [2 definitions]
deploy to move, position, or distribute so as to make ready or effective for a particular purpose. [5 definitions]
deployable combined form of deploy.
deployment an act of deploying, esp. the placement of military forces in preparation for combat.
depolarize to remove, destroy, or counteract polarity or polarization.
deponent someone who makes a sworn statement, esp. in written form.
depopulate to eliminate or decrease vastly the number of people in (a place), as by eviction, disease, or slaughter.
deport to eject from a country under the law.
deportable combined form of deport.
deportation the legal expulsion from a country of an undesirable person, esp. an illegal alien or criminal.
deportment the way someone acts; behavior; demeanor.
depose to deprive of rank or office, esp. from an important position such as that of king. [3 definitions]
deposit to hand over, esp. for safekeeping, as to a bank account. [10 definitions]