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eternal having no beginning or end; existing outside of time; timeless. [4 definitions]
eternity time without beginning or end; infinite past and future. [3 definitions]
eternize to make everlasting; cause to continue forever. [2 definitions]
etesian of or designating the annual northerly summer winds of the Mediterranean.
-eth used to form an ordinal when a number ends in "-y".
ethane a colorless, odorless gas found in natural gas and used as a fuel or refrigerant.
ethanol ethyl alcohol.
ethene see "ethylene."
ether a very volatile, flammable liquid compound of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, used as a solvent and formerly as an anesthetic. [4 definitions]
ethereal extremely light, airy, and delicate; insubstantial. [3 definitions]
etherealize to cause to appear ethereal. [2 definitions]
etherize to anesthetize (someone) with ether.
Ethernet a standard local area network architecture that specifies connection types, devices, and protocols (formerly a Xerox Corporation trademark).
ethic a set of moral principles and values. [2 definitions]
ethical of or concerning ethics. [3 definitions]
ethics (used with a sing. verb) the branch of philosophy that deals with values pertaining to human conduct, such as good and bad or right and wrong actions and motives; moral philosophy. [2 definitions]
Ethiopia an African country near the Red Sea, bordered by Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, and Somalia.
Ethiopian of or pertaining to Ethiopia or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions]
Ethiopic Ethiopian. [3 definitions]
ethmoid of or pertaining to a bone or bones in the cranium forming part of the septum and nasal cavity walls. [2 definitions]
ethnic of or related to a large group of people who share a distinctive culture, language, or religion, or who are of the same race or national heritage. [3 definitions]