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exciting causing excitement, arousal, or agitation.
exclaim to speak suddenly and vehemently, with or as if with surprise or emotion. [2 definitions]
exclamation the act of exclaiming; an abrupt or vehement utterance. [2 definitions]
exclamation mark a punctuation mark (!) used after a word or words that express surprise or command, make an emphatic declaration, or the like; exclamation point.
exclamation point a punctuation mark (!) used after an exclamation (e.g., "It's hot!"), interjection (e.g., "Hey!"), or command (e.g., "Come here!"); exclamation mark.
exclamatory of or expressing exclamation or exclamations.
excludable capable or worthy of being excluded.
exclude to leave out; omit; keep out. [2 definitions]
exclusion the act or process of excluding. [3 definitions]
exclusive leaving out. [5 definitions]
exclusive jurisdiction power granted exclusively to a particular court to apply and interpret laws within a particular geographic area or in relation to certain types of matters.
exclusively with all others left out or not included; only; solely.
excommunicate to exclude, by formal order, from the privileges of membership and communion in the Roman Catholic Church. [3 definitions]
excoriate to denounce or criticize severely. [2 definitions]
excrement the waste products of digestion discharged from the body, esp. feces.
excrescence abnormal enlargement or growth; hypertrophy. [3 definitions]
excreta substances that are excreted from the body, such as sweat and urine.
excrete to discharge or eliminate (wastes and harmful materials) from the body.
excretion the act or process of eliminating bodily waste matter. [2 definitions]
excretory of, relating to, or having the function of excretion.
excruciating extremely painful or intensely distressing; agonizing. [2 definitions]