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FM a system of varying a radio signal's frequency so as to impose the signal on a carrier wave; frequency modulation. [2 definitions]
Fm symbol of the chemical element fermium.
FNMA abbreviation of "Federal National Mortgage Association;" Fannie Mae.
f-number the relative aperture of a camera lens, representing the light it will transmit, which is obtained by dividing the focal length of the lens by the diameter of the aperture.
foal a young horse, mule, or related animal, esp. under one year old. [2 definitions]
foam a usu. whitish mass of small bubbles that forms on the surface of a liquid after agitation, fermentation, or the like; froth. [6 definitions]
foamable combined form of foam.
foamless combined form of foam.
foam rubber a firm, lightweight spongy rubber, used esp. in upholstered seats and for mattresses.
foamy made of, full of, or covered with foam. [2 definitions]
fob1 a short chain, strap, or ribbon usu. connected to a pocket watch, or a small ornament or medallion attached to the chain, strap, or ribbon. [2 definitions]
fob2 to dispose of (an item or items) in a deceitful way (usu. fol. by "off"). [2 definitions]
focal of or relating to focus.
focalize in medicine, to limit or be limited to a specific area, as an infection; localize.
focal length the distance between the optical center of a lens or curved mirror and the far distant point where light rays converge upon an object.
foci a plural form of "focus."
fo'c's'le variant of forecastle.
focus the point at which rays, esp. optical, come together, or from which they seem to radiate. [9 definitions]
focusable combined form of focus.
focusless combined form of focus.
fodder feed for farm animals, such as cut-up cornstalks mixed with hay. [3 definitions]