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jayvee (informal) a player on a junior varsity sports team; JV.
jaywalk to walk across a street illegally, as at an improper place or an improper time.
jazz a form of music characterized by improvisation and complex rhythms, with early influences of ragtime and blues. Jazz originated among Black musicians during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in America. Jazz has continued to evolve and to influence new forms of modern music in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
jazzman a man who plays or composes jazz music.
jazz up (informal) to make more lively or interesting.
jazzy having the nature or form of jazz. [2 definitions]
JC abbreviation of "junior college," an educational institution that offers a two-year program equivalent to the first two years at a four-year college and that confers an associate degree or certificate.
jct. abbreviation of "junction."
J.D. abbreviation of "juris doctor" (Latin); Doctor of Law, or Doctor of Jurisprudence.
jealous Fearful of losing someone's affection, or of losing one's preferential position, to someone else. [5 definitions]
jealousy envious or suspicious resentment, as of another's success, good fortune, or good qualities. [4 definitions]
Jean Baptiste Lamarck a French naturalist (b.1744--d.1829).
Jean Middleton South African author and anti-apartheid activist.
Jean-Paul Sartre a French philosopher and author (b.1905--d.1980).
jean (pl.) pants made from a heavy, often blue, twilled cotton cloth. [2 definitions]
jeep a small motor vehicle usu. equipped with four-wheel drive and suited to use in rugged terrain, originally developed for military use and later adapted for civilian use. [2 definitions]
jeepers used to express moderate surprise, emotion, emphasis, or the like.
jeer to remark in a loud, mocking, abusive manner. [3 definitions]
jeez (slang, sometimes offensive) used to express surprise or mild annoyance.
Jefferson City the capital of Missouri.
Jeffrey pine a tall pine tree of the northwestern United States, having long, blue-green needles and elongated cones.